Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Choose Joy: Red Flowers

It really is a wonder that one of my most favourite colours is red.

I've chosen to surround myself with the colour: my kitchen, my dining room, my bedroom, my first truck, various couches, my hair colour every once in a while, many red clothes can be found in my closet and dresser drawers.

All this in spite of the fact that while growing up there was two seasons of plants: red poinsettia and red geranium. My mother would buy a huge number of each plant and keep them around until long-past-dead. Then the pots would populate the garage until the following season when she would attempt to revive them. Revival never happened. Eventually she would then toss the poor pitiful dried out pots and go out to the nursery and re-purchase another huge number of red flowered plants.

So, maybe any dislike of red is limited to plants.

Imagine my joy when I found out that poinsettias come in WHITE! As for the geraniums, there's no hope. They're just plain ugly.

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