Thursday, June 4, 2009

Boundless Energy

This is me ... some days!

Every once in a while I read something completely absurd. Like when my virtual friend Lain makes comments about procrastination. Procrastination? Seriously? Lain gets more done in the matter of an hour than I can manage in a day - and some people call me organized!

Just to give you an idea: her family is moving across country from California to Massachusetts; while packing she ran the LOAD challenge in May - including daily e-mail prompts; managed to tweet, Facebook and blog almost daily; moved her family into a hotel; substituted as a teacher in her school system; had what she calls "minor" surgery so who knows what THAT means; dealt with the foibles of every day life, and joined an inspiration collective. WOW. All that in ONE MONTH. Some of us couldn't deal with that in a year!

I just returned from my visit to Cape Cod (yes, pictures will be posted now that I have them all - yay!) and have been playing catch-up with my google reader. Yeah, that's right, I'm organized. I had three of Lain's posts to read. Once I picked my jaw off the floor, I knew I had to let you all know to head on over and get in on her new Daily Assignments project.

Well, really, you should just head over there anyway: click here.

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