Monday, August 24, 2009

For Today ...

(inspired by the Simple Woman's Daybook)

OUTSIDE MY WINDOW ... the breeze is (finally) blowing, hoping it's cool air
I AM THINKING ... of getting tickets to take Claire and Cole to the Stratford Festival in September
WE ARE LEARNING … that computers are great but you can't be on all day long (a good reminder to self, too!)
I AM THANKFUL FOR ... the many opportunities available to me every day
FROM THE KITCHEN ... I am amazed at how much French's Yellow Mustard we go though, I think more than ketchup. Crazy.
I AM WEARING ... a white t-shirt, black crop pants, black flip flops (seems to be my summer uniform!)
I AM GOING ... to deliver Cole to Appleby for his course this morning, and every morning this week. He's pumped.
I AM READING ... some really, really wonderful blogs.
I AM CREATING ... a very nice recipe mini-album.
I AM HOPING ... to savour these next couple of weeks before school starts enjoying my kids and keeping them close to home.
I AM HEARING ... Caden wishing me a "good morning" while giving me a hug - while I'm typing.
AROUND THE HOUSE ... things are really starting to come together, perfect for me to start tearing apart the storage room and clear out all the Creative Memories stuff I need to purge! If you want any, send me a note to l2l dot leemonade at gmail dot com :)
ONE OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS ... Goodreads and getting great recommendations from women I like, not that I could ever read them all, but it's nice to get personal reviews.
A FEW PLANS FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK/SUMMER ... a bit of this, a bit of that, a lot of laughter, many wet towels and much meat on the grill!


Heather said...

Great list Lee. Hope the weather is nice for you today. Seems like you've had a lot of rain and humidity. I can't wait to see the recipe mini you are doing!

thekreativelife said...

Sounds like your day is off to a wonderful start! Enjoy every second!