Tuesday, February 26, 2008

And, the Mean Mum Award goes to ...

My 12-year-old, talented, kind, pretty, social, generous, enthusiastic non-scholar hates the school part of school. Loves everything else. She is the poster child for her school - minus academics, of course.

She was supposed to go to Florida with my parents as a special 'treat'. A reward for good academic performance. She was supposed to leave on March 9th.

She was ...

I just cancelled it. I feel awful. I know it's the right thing to do. It was the carrot I kept in front of her to have her achieve to her ability. To apply herself to her work. If I don't follow through now, I'm doomed for her entire adolesence.

I feel awful, I've mentioned that, haven't I?

This is the last week of school before break. Her assignments have to be handed in this week. They are already late. They are done ... she just hasn't handed them in.

She's going to hate me.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I posted on SS, but just wanted to say here that she might hate you for a second...okay, maybe more like a minute or a day? LOL But it will not be FOREVER. She will actually love you for it. She really will. BTW, my oldest is 12, but I also raised my younger sister who I was very strict with. She is now happily married and one of the most strict moms I know. LOL