Monday, September 29, 2008


We are blessed with abundance.

Yesterday, we had an abundance of young hockey players, their sibs and parents here at the house. About 80 attended and enjoyed a bit of food - including a fantastic roasted pig; a few games indoors and out; and some (many) drinks. It was a great Sunday afternoon.

As I said to one of the dad's today, in response to his "thank you" e-mail: "It was a pleasure to host the team. A true joy to watch all the boys play and horse-around together. Fun to watch the parents, too!"

I have a tendency to raise my hand an volunteer to do things before my head engages; clearly it is some kind of Pavlovian response to someone needing help. Before everyone arrived it occurred to me to ask Cole if he was okay with the idea of having everyone from his team over to his home. He was overwhelmingly thrilled with the idea and said "it makes you a bit crazy, but it's always a great time when we have parties here at the house." Nice to know he understands!

It does make me a bit crazy. To open your house, your home, to a group of virtual strangers is to open yourself to criticism and lay bare your lack of perfection - gasp! But hey, it's a great reason to clean the house top to bottom - though, to be honest, those in charge of bottom kinda' didn't take their chores too seriously - and re-evaluate how everything "looks". A chance to look at your home with fresh eyes. And, a great excuse for buying a new chair here and a new pillow there!

I do believe everyone had fun and Cole was so thrilled to have everyone share our home and see him in his space. We had an impromtu coaches meeting in the family room, a birthday party in the basement, a cooking demonstration at the barbeque, and we never ran out of wine or beer! Success!


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