Sunday, October 5, 2008

United Church of Canada = FELT

I really enjoy talking with the mums from Cole's hockey team. I really enjoy talking to mums in general, but the more you get to know them, like those you see day after day in a hockey rink, the more interesting the conversations. Each of the mums have their charm; but, I particularly enjoy talking with Kirsteen.

She has such an interesting take on things. Really observant. Very friendly in a hesitant kind of way. Going through a difficult divorce. Chatty, quirky and funny, she makes me laugh. Strong and opinionated. She agrees with me and challenges me. I really hope that we are able to become friends.

So, we were talking about our (collective, hockey "our") attending the "Church of the Rink" every Sunday morning and how my kids miss attending real Church. Caden in particular. She asked the innocent question: which church? When I said "the United Church of Canada" she said, "Oh, the one with the felt."

Wow. She nailed it. EVERY United Church in this country is covered in FELT. Felt wall hangings, felt alter cloths, felt everything. I have attended this church my whole life and it is the FELT that drove me CRAZY. Well, that and the constant "kumbaya" on the acoustic guitar!

I haven't had a laugh like that in such a long time. I'm still getting a good giggle. Kirsteen is so freaking perceptive. Leave it to my buddy, the lapsed Catholic, to clue me into my own reticence about re-attending my own church!

Right now we're attending "Church of the Rink". We will be until there are no more hockey games played on Sunday morning. Maybe I'll be able to find a felt-free church to attend once the games are over.

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