Goodbye February, thanks for bringing …
… the LOAD challenge which inspired me to create 28 layouts, one per day, which would never have been completed had I not joined the challenge. And wow, are some of those girls participating ever talented!
… permission to flake when a volunteer opportunity just isn’t a good fit due to either timing or substance.
… the silence of a temperamental home phone, certainly kept the telemarketers at bay, it was a nice communication holiday.
… the joy of mail goodies, and in the process, making new friends found in the ether known as the internet.
… the confirmation that some coaches only know the game, some might not know the game but know a lot about teaching character. There are coaches devoid of both knowledge and character and they are dangerous to everyone. When you get a coach who has both knowledge and character you recognize it and are thankful.
… the excitement of organizing a girls weekend and absorbing the enthusiasm of all of the participants was so much fun all month long!
… Acts of Kindness are done to make the giver feel good, too; as a recipient, just say “thank you”.
… my girlfriends, who really are fantastic, and I really have to learn to make more time in our days and weeks to share a simple cup of tea or a whole lunch together.
… pride in a daughter who can go on a school trip and not be part of the destructive student group that ensured that the school is now no longer welcome to the hotel they’ve been staying at for years.
… a second chance at Library of Memories (yes, I require remediation!)
… the painful reminder that you should heed your gut instincts.
… cupcakes every second Friday – that I don’t have to bake!
… knowledge that in many cases less is indeed more – be happy with what you do have and don’t dwell on what you don’t - that almost guarantees you will not get what you think you want!
… the sad reality that some people just cannot be happy.
… the realization that even though we own a baseball training facility that our kids can play baseball – or not – and in the case of our boys, they’ve chosen to play lacrosse this summer. And hey, at 12 and 9, that’s okay. If not now, when?
… the joy of finding new photography and writing challenges on the internet and becoming fully engaged in my creative endeavours
… the courage to see people for what they are and decide to make life less stressful with their absense.
… the utter and complete joy of finding my sister Beth’s photos in THE LAST PLACE left to look! They’re going out FedEx on Monday!
… the chance to be witness to the sense of accomplishment and confidence earned by a group of boys as they won game after game on their journey to the OMHA Finals.
… continued affirmation that my children are the very best part of me.
… that there are some incredibly talented women “out there” and I am happy to learn from them. And, if you don’t put yourself “out there” and hold yourself up for critisism, you deprive yourself an experience for growth. And, maybe, just maybe you deprive someone else the knowledge that there is indeed someone else out there just like them.
… surrounding yourself with people who bring out the best in you is best for everyone
… the reminder that chili is the best mid-winter meal
… confirmation that the joy in scrapbooking is not collecting the supplies, but in the use of those supplies. I haven’t spent one cent since mid-December!
I wonder what lessons and adventures March has in store? I just know that we’re one month closer to warmth.
Life is good.
5 comments: good, Lee. I borrowed your dad's quote for my blog post yesterday. =] I love the things you learned and since you have share them with us, we can learn too. =]
Enjoyed your list - very well thought out. Some good food for thought.
That photo is beautiful. I too love that color. What a great way to mark the ending of one month and the beginning of another....hope march brings all good things your way!
your lessons learned reminded me that our collective women's souls are shared and scattered all over this planet - what things we can learn from each other!!
Really enjoyed this post Lee - love the mixture of profound thoughts and little goodies thrown in. After all life is all about the big and the little things :)
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