Sunday, October 18, 2009

For Today ...

(inspired by the Simple Woman's Daybook)

OUTSIDE MY WINDOW ... it has become dark again. The end of a busy, creative, hockey-filled and fun weekend.
I AM THINKING ... I should put the wash into the dryer and start a new load (ah, there, done!)
WE ARE LEARNING … that when we think we have more time we really don't. Procrastination is never a good thing!
I AM THANKFUL FOR ... opportunities afforded my family.
FROM THE KITCHEN ... is the largest grocery order ever ... should re-think sending a very hungry Louis and an equally hungry Caden to Fortino's. It should last a MONTH except is is mostly all perishable. Lots of freezing this week!
I AM WEARING ... a favourite taupe top, black crop pants and my much loved black patent leather driving shoes.
I AM GOING ... to clean my studio tomorrow, I hope.
I AM READING ... The Shack, still. I'm about as half way through as I was last Sunday. This week was so busy, I can't even tell you with what, but even with the book in my bag taken everywhere, I still didn't get to read more than 10 pages.
I AM CREATING ... oodles of stuff. There were a couple of page calls and I've decided to participate. You can't play unless you join in, right?
I AM HOPING ... Cole understands that there is a time to keep your expectations low, that time is now
I AM HEARING ... Wendy Mesley and the CBC Sunday news - about banks increasing compensation by 18%. I get it, but you know, I don't like it.
AROUND THE HOUSE ... I have to remember to get the name of V&Gs landscape guy to take a look at our back yard.
ONE OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS ... watching my children giggle, laugh, poke and enjoy each other like they did at the dinner table tonight
A FEW PLANS FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK ... nice and low key: choir practice, hockey games, hockey practices, hockey drama, basketball games, homework, festivals, field trips, daily layouts and photo ops.

I really enjoy going into downtown Toronto. Some parts are a bit scary, but I can feel the energy of such a cosmopolitan city, the noise and grime are just part of it all. Growing up in the city I miss it so much. We live only 45 minutes away but it's not the same. I'd give much to be there, as much as I enjoy where we live now, I am a city girl.
The burbs are for the birds. Today.

1 comment:

Ryzmomplus2 said...

love this, I still need to do this on my blog!