Friday, June 12, 2009

TGIF 12.06.09

Brilliant: I continue to listen to the brilliant read-along hosted by the brilliant Brené Brown over on her equally brilliant blog Ordinary Courage. Absolutely NOTHING ordinary about it. I'm also re-reading her book with a more open heart. You can't completely absorb it's contents when you feel restricted: you have to give yourself permission to cry. I will be completely prepared for the release of her new book in April!

Part of the read-along is the TGIF component. Trust. Gratitude. Inspiration. Friday. I did one, ages ago, at the start of the read-along and haven't participated since. My lack of participation has been nagging at me, you know that thing you think about and then push aside, do you ever get that? Let me tell you, when something niggles at you that long, you just can't ignore it, so here we go:

I'm trusting that everything will be exactly the way it needs to be, though, not necessarily how I need it to be, as we wind down the school year and prepare to relax over the course of the summer.

I'm grateful I am able to spend my summer at home with my kids. We have great plans to relax. I know that sounds odd, but there are so many things they want to do, and there are so many of them, some structure for relaxation is required.

I'm inspired by the incredible women I "meet" on line. The stories and experiences they are willing to share with honesty and compassion is breathtaking.

1 comment:

L~ said...

I've been hearing a niggling in the back of my mind. I started out strong with this pod cast series, and let it slip from me when life got in the way. I hope to return to it, thanks for the reminder! Relaxing is awesome - it must be fit in!!